Rueda de Casino

is an entertaining style of salsa danced in a circle to the commands of one of the dancers.

Rueda is fun

it recharges your energy and makes people come together. Nine out of ten doctors say so!
(The tenth one doesn’t know rueda)

Follow us!

If you’d like to know more or join us, this website is your ticket to the world of rueda.

Rueda Flashmob
History and information about Rueda Flashmob(s)

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Current events from but not limited to the world of salsa and rueda

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The Ruedathon = Rueda Marathon since 2013 in New York every year also in Paris, Stockholm

[us_single_image image=”6906″ size=”us_350_350_crop” align=”center” onclick=”custom_link” animate=”fade” animate_delay=”0.6″]


RuedX = Rueda Exchange since `2016 in New York every year around the world

[us_single_image image=”6909″ size=”us_350_350_crop” align=”center” onclick=”custom_link” animate=”fade” animate_delay=”0.8″]

Where and how did Rueda de Casino come into being?